Picture Show
I needed a way to share a photo album with family and couldn’t find a solution that did exactly what I wanted. My requirements were:
- Works for iOS, Android, and Desktop
- Doesn’t require the user to download a new app or create an account
- Doesn’t require login
- But has some degree of privacy
- No like/commenting features
- Is bounded, i.e. a discrete album, not an open-ended stream
Basically I just wanted to drop a folder of images on s3 and display them with a nice photo gallery UI. So I made a command line tool that does that.
The command accepts a folder of images, resizes them to a default width of 1400px, builds the gallery and outputs a folder containing the resized images and HTML/CSS/JS. The folder name is a 12-digit random string to provide some security through obscurity when you host on a server.
Here’s an example of what the photo albums look like.
How to install
Install via npm:
npm install -g picture-show
Pass it the source dir and export dir:
$ picture-show [source images dir] [export dir]
More info
Source code and more info available on Github.